Ley Line Theory
There is another theory which associates the crop circles so ubiquitous in southern England with ancient artifacts such as Stonehendge. The Ley Line theory was first detailed in Alfred Watkins' book, The Old Straight Path. The theory points out that many of these phenomena amazingly take place either in line or in exact angles of each other, even when displaced by miles. The lines between sites are believed to run on top of energy currents which run under the earth. Paul Devereux explains why ancient artifacts were built on these ley lines:
"The ancient sites of power were sometimes found, and sometimes deliberately constructed to mimic or enhance what could be found in nature. In either case, the forces of the natural world were used. And they were used for a variety of purposes, such as the promotion of fertility and for healing. But the over-riding purpos was the need to have gateways through which contact with spirit could be achieved. In the ancient world there were certain people who knew how to work with the physical world in order to create access to the spiritual."

It is believed that crop circles are the direct result of this stored
energy under the earth. It occasionally boils over and bursts out,
causing the earth above it to be effected, and effectively creating
crop circles. This slightly fantasy-based theory is less believed
than the Plasma-Vortex theory, which
deals with natural forces.